Saturday, July 18, 2009






Anonymous said...

It's good you show concern to support the pitiful young man, but I feel that you should have voiced out opinions on the recent MCA cases!!!!

I think our beloved PM and the Johore MB ought to step in now: Only Johore local born people to lead the Johore MCA!!!! Why when Dr. Chua and Mr Tan Kok Huang were leading the Johore MCA, it was hormoniously united? Now? Sigh!!!!

Why is it Dr Chua's case which was over long ago and was already closed by the former Disciplinary Borad and former president Tan Seri Ong being dug out again? Tan Seri even mentioned openly to praised him for being very responsible and accountable to step down because of some wrong doing and thanked his much contributions to the party in particular and the nation in general.

If this time the new Disciplinary Board (all different members now)were to dig out Dr. Chua's case (in fact, in whatever ways, they don't have the right to do it as the former complaint was already closed!) again, then the Greatest Man's case when He headed the youth was also NOT settled as before it was settled, Tun Dr Lim stepped down and Tan Seri Ong took over the party, the case was pending and seemingly dropped but not mentioned closed openly and officially! It was just kept in silent after the Greatest Man sent in a written reply in the first hearing. Tan Seri should step out now to clear the air whether the distinctive differences between these two cases!!!!! Nevertheless, if the new Disciplinary Board wants to try to show that it can abuse the power given, then the board must learn to play a seemingly fair game so that the party members would not be so angrily agonized, the board ought to file the case against the Greatest Man too so that justice is seemed to be done in MCA even though all of us know that MCA was more shadowed than ever!!!!!.

I think the lesson from the Menteri Besar of Johore to the Greatest Man in the world about the issue that the party in Johore was intentionally divided is not enough! This time our beloved PM should be more furious rather than just question Him!!! If the BN were to lose supports again due to so many other unforseen mishaps and incidences, MCA leaders should help our beloved PM to gain the support of the Chinese community instead of causing more anger and agony amongst the peopel by non-stop digging out issues against people who speak the truth & constructive suggestions and pushing disobedient members to dead corner.

The Disciplinary Board should also ask the Greatest Man in the world to give full detailed explanation satisfying EVERY MCA member that why action should not be taken against Him, after all He had done so much injustices to other party members and kept spoiling the good name of MCA as every now and then He blames so many MCA members publicly. Isn't it too bad that the top most party Leader had received the countlessly negative but true comments compared to the previous leaders?

If other regional MCA leaders who just openly 'give' some advice to party leaders not to damage party's good name as the leaders keep exposing unfounded 'inside stories' to outsiders and being called up by the Disciplinary Board to give show case explanation, why is the Greatest Man exempted????

Dr. Chua and Datuk Chua's cases are not the mere ones, what about His supporters who helped Him to be the No 1 Man? The Ong brothers' disciples have been pushed to corners too, Sigh!!!!!

Wake them up, pleasessssssss but I strongly believe our beloved PM knows what to do !!! From what our beloved PM has been in such a short period, I am sure he would be able to help the BN component parties, even though honorable DPM said they won't interfere. Johore MB could have quickily stepped in to help the Johore BN in particular and the nation in general!!!!!

Fair仔 said...



Anonymous said...

He had no reason to commit suicide, but he had all the reasons to live!
He was the most successful child in the family!
He had promised to provide better lives for his parents!
He had a beautiful fiancee!
He had an offspring wanting to come to this world!
He was to be registered the next day!
What more you want to guess?
After that was a small sum, and he was not actually involved.
So, what's the reason he wanted to commit suicide?
No one believes he wanted to commit suicide.